I have always been amused by how simple Mathematical rules govern complex fractals and designs. I believe the more we explore, the more closer we get to understand nature. I have listed a few structures I have explored over the years.
Kirby Krackle Demo
Kirby Krackle (also known as Kirby Dots) is an artistic convention in superhero and science fiction comic books and similar illustrations, in which a field of black, pseudo-fractal images is used to represent negative space around unspecified kinds of energy. It can be seen used throughout Spider Man - Into the Spider Verse movie to create the illusion of energy. -
Audio Visualizer Demo
A circular frequency visulaizer. I always wanted to try the media API and explore its efficiency on real time capturing. A Game of Thrones inspired page design. (Requires microphone permission) -
Lindenmayer Systems Demo
An L-system consists of an alphabet of symbols that can be used to make strings, a collection of production that expand each symbol into some larger string of symbols, an initial “axiom” string from which to begin construction, and a mechanism for translating the generated strings into geometric structures. Read more * -
Penrose Tiling Demo
Penrose tiling is a non-periodic tessellation generated by an aperiodic set of tiles. A tessellation of a flat surface is the tiling of a plane using one or more geometric shapes, called tiles, with no overlaps and no gaps. The aperiodicity of tiles implies that a shifted copy of a tiling will never match the original. Read more * -
Mandlebrot Set Demo
It is a particular set of complex numbers which has a highly convoluted fractal boundary when plotted. Images of the Mandelbrot set exhibit an elaborate and infinitely complicated boundary that reveals progressively ever-finer recursive detail at increasing magnifications. The “style” of this repeating detail depends on the region of the set being examined. The set’s boundary also incorporates smaller versions of the main shape, so the fractal property of self-similarity applies to the entire set, and not just to its parts. Read more * -
Networks GraphDemo
A dynamic map that shows how all relevant players in the Dutch pension sector (companies, fiduciary managers, pension funds, consultants) are connected to one another. The tool gives unique insights of the data and is now broadly used in the sector.